Did you know that schools are actively collecting data on students (and you) to use to determine and “score” their most private and personal thoughts and experiences?
As millions of parents and guardians ready their kids to go back to school, they not only must worry about anti-American, Race Essentialism (CRT), and Sexually Explicit teaching, but they also must worry about an extreme violation of privacy via school surveys that may result in the collection of personally identifiable data used against them throughout their lifetime to further a political agenda.

Did you know that schools are actively collecting data on students (and you) to use to determine and “score” their most private and personal thoughts and experiences?
As millions of parents and guardians ready their kids to go back to school, they not only must worry about anti-American, Race Essentialism (CRT), and Sexually Explicit teaching, but they also must worry about an extreme violation of privacy via school surveys that may result in the collection of personally identifiable data used against them throughout their lifetime to further a political agenda.