Did you know that schools are actively collecting data on students (and you) to use to determine and “score” their most private and personal thoughts and experiences?

As millions of parents and guardians ready their kids to go back to school, they not only must worry about anti-American, Race Essentialism (CRT), and Sexually Explicit teaching, but they also must worry about an extreme violation of privacy via school surveys that may result in the collection of personally identifiable data used against them throughout their lifetime to further a political agenda.

Did you know that schools are actively collecting data on students (and you) to use to determine and “score” their most private and personal thoughts and experiences?

As millions of parents and guardians ready their kids to go back to school, they not only must worry about anti-American, Race Essentialism (CRT), and Sexually Explicit teaching, but they also must worry about an extreme violation of privacy via school surveys that may result in the collection of personally identifiable data used against them throughout their lifetime to further a political agenda.

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Did you know that schools are actively collecting data on students (and you) to use to determine and “score” their most private and personal thoughts and experiences?

As millions of parents and guardians ready their kids to go back to school, they not only must worry about anti-American, Race Essentialism (CRT), and Sexually Explicit teaching, but they also must worry about an extreme violation of privacy via school surveys that may result in the collection of personally identifiable data used against them throughout their lifetime to further a political agenda. 


Ask your child if they are being asked questions in school about any of these topics.

  • Mental or emotional issues or challenges that may be embarrassing to the student or family
  • Relationships with doctors, clergy, or lawyers
  • Parent’s income, other than that required by law to determine eligibility for participation in a program or for receiving financial assistance under a program.
  • Sexual behavior or attitudes
  • Critical appraisals of people with close family relationships
  • Sex behavior and attitude.
  • Illegal, anti-social, self-incriminating and demeaning behavior
  • Religious or political affiliations

Critical Race Theory, Gender Indoctrination, and Social Emotional Learning (SEL) very often includes the practice of collecting data. If your school is not asking you for written permission for your child to participate in the collection of data, they may be able to be held legally accountable.

American First Legal says The U.S. Department of Education’s regulations require prior written consent from parents or a legal guardian before a child may subjected to any “method of obtaining information, including a group activity, that is not directly related to academic instruction and that is designed to elicit information about attitudes, habits, traits, opinions, beliefs or feelings” or to “the planned, systematic use of methods or techniques that are not directly related to academic instruction and that [are] designed to affect behavioral, emotional, or attitudinal characteristics of an individual or group” concerning one or more of the topics listed above.

What can you do?

1. Send the following Opt Out letters to your school administrators and counselors immediately and follow the Opt Out directions in the link below

2. Know your Parental Rights and how PPRA can protect you. See the tool kit created by American First Legal and follow the steps to ensure your child and family’s privacy and minds are protected