Elicia Brand | Founder and President

Elicia lives in Loudoun County, Virginia. She has three children in Loudoun County Public Schools. She first became engaged with her school board in the summer of 2020 when the Superintendent and the school board would neither open the school doors to students due to Covid-19, nor provide a plan for how they intended to provide a quality education to students in the 20/21 school year. While she had made the decision to withdraw her own children from the public schools that year, she knew she had to stay involved in order to be a voice for the many children and parents in marginalized communities who had no one showing up to advocate for them. These were families that her children had known and played with since Kindergarten. She became committed to going to school board meetings to ensure a focus was placed on the academic success and mental health issues stemming from social isolation brought upon by bad COVID policy decisions.

Chris Marston | Chief Legal Counsel and Treasurer

Chris Marston is a Partner at Dunlap Bennett & Ludwig, focusing his practice on Political and Election law. Chris provides financial and compliance services to Republican campaigns and party committees, conservative political action committees, tax-exempt organizations, and corporate and trade association PACs. He founded Election CFO to provide these services in 2009 after serving as an assistant secretary of Education in the George W. Bush Administration. Chris volunteers as general counsel of the Republican Party of Virginia, treasurer of the Republican National Lawyers Association, and chair of the Library of VirginiaFoundation’s 1823 Council. He earned his law degree from the Georgetown University Law Center and his undergraduate degree from Dartmouth College.
Chris resides in Alexandria, Virginia, where he served as chairman of the local Republican Party. He lives with his two Portuguese Water Dogs in the Taylor Run neighborhood, attends Westminster Presbyterian Church, volunteers with local Boy Scouts, and teaches basic dog obedience classes for the Mount Vernon Dog Training Club.

George Taplin | Secretary and Director of Event Operations

Growing up in a large family, George was taught: “Integrity is doing the right thing, even when nobody is looking”. This guiding principle was instrumental to his success in his careers in the U.S. Navy, as a software engineer, and a high school teacher. His greatest achievement came as a youth coach in softball, soccer, and basketball, where he has mentored thousands of girls and boys, helping them to realize their life goals using the same guiding principles he has utilized throughout his life. The constant attack on these values by those who wish to indoctrinate and control our youth motivated him to join the fight to help protect and perpetuate our nation’s founding principles. Our children are the future of our country and he is dedicated to helping them thrive and prosper, free from the negative influences in today’s culture.

Yael Levin | Chief Data and Legislation Officer

As a businesswoman, Yael Levin spent her career in Insurance, specializing in data analysis, risk assessment, and regulatory compliance. An advocate for parental rights, Yael is a former executive for No Left Turn in Education and worked to unmask Virginia children and put kids back in classrooms. A Virginian for nearly two decades, Yael lives in Ashland with her husband and two boys.

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Elicia Brand | Co-Founder, President, and Chief Marketing Officer

Elicia lives in Loudoun County, Virginia. She has three children in Loudoun County Public Schools. She first became engaged with her school board in the summer of 2020 when the Superintendent and the school board would neither open the school doors to students due to Covid-19, nor provide a plan for how they intended to provide a quality education to students in the 20/21 school year. While she had made the decision to withdraw her own children from the public schools that year, she knew she had to stay involved in order to be a voice for the many children and parents in marginalized communities who had no one showing up to advocate for them. These were families that her children had known and played with since Kindergarten. She became committed to going to school board meetings to ensure a focus was placed on the academic success and mental health issues stemming from social isolation brought upon by bad COVID policy decisions.

As she attended more meetings, talked to parents and heard from teachers who had attended “trainings”, she learned that the issues within the schools were not simply pandemic related, but deeply rooted in political ideology and private interest group agendas that were being passed on to the students via lessons created through the lens of Critical Race Theory. After thorough research, Elicia grew convinced that the path the Board and Administration was taking was preventative of positive outcomes and would hurt not only the very students they claimed to want to help, but all students. It was then that she became committed to ensuring all student receive the gold standard in education, Parental Rights are reestablished and the sanctity of families is respected.

Elicia serves as advocate and spokesperson for students and families who have experienced sexual assault in school. She is committed to protecting children and fighting for rigorous education, free of political ideologies and agendas in the classroom, as well as student safety, Parental Rights, Academic Transparency and Individual Freedom for all families. Elicia believes in working to restore community unity and regularly reaches out to understand the differing views of parents and community members. She firmly believes that the “sides” have more in common than they don’t, and that everyone should be working together for the sake of our children and for the betterment of our community. Elicia has been interviewed on many news outlets about her knowledge surrounding the current issues facing children, families and teachers in education, as well as the sexual assaults committed against students in schools. She has been a guest speaker on sponsored panels and has written an Op Ed piece published in The New York Post in December 2021.