The number one rule to keep in mind if you have an issue at school, whether your child is in public or private school, is that you must document every single thing, all the time. If you didn’t document it, it didn’t happen.
So, document all day, every day. For the issue you are concerned about, you must write a chronological timeline from the start of the issue and continue documenting. This means keeping a journal about everything. Include dates and times and information about what happened before and after. The devil is in the details. Write down information about everything including: emails, texts, homework assignments, reading lists, digital resources, teaching, surveys or training.
- Don’t just write things down. Anything that you can download, DOWNLOAD and add to your Facts binder. Take screenshots of everything that is online (making sure to include the timestamp and date that is on the computer) save the content as a PDF and as screenshots. Save Word documents as files.
- Videos are the best. Check to see if your state is a two person state. It’s important to find out your state law. In two-person states, you can make videos without the other party knowing. Save your video and download it. There are various applications available, such as Screencast-o-matic and Quicktime (which can do screen recordings) or Replay Media Catcher (which can download videos, such as school board meetings). You can also use your own phone to record recorded videos when you are not live and in person.
- Make audio recordings. It’s important to find out your state law.
- Take photographs of content that you are worried about.
- When you attend meetings, take notes in real time. Pull out a notebook. Write longhand. Repeat statements that cause you concern to confirm what you heard.